Abraham Lincoln

Episode 328: That Doesn’t Sound Like Y’golonac

January 25th, 2019 | Robin

Get ready for a tear gassing as the Gaming Hut finds us riffing a Fall of Delta Green scenario set during the 1968 Democratic convention.

Ken and/or Robin Talk to Someone Else features a chat with app maker Steven Hammond, whose work has helped you run Feng Shui fights, plot Beating the Story narrative arcs, and create GUMSHOE characters.

The Tradecraft Hut answers a Miscellaneous Musings request for a look at 43 Group.

Finally in we have Fun With Science as Patreon backer Chris Sellers asks for the Mythos implications of a certain black hole beaming black hole beams at us.

Want to pose a question to the show? Get your priority question asking access with your support for the KARTAS Patreon!

Snag Ken and Robin merchandise at TeePublic.

Wish to introduce innocent children to the horror of the Mythos, while remaining on budget? Atlas Games is here to affordably twist young minds with a buy two, get one free deal on Ken’s Mini Mythos line of childrens’ book parodies: Where the Deep Ones Are, Goodnight Azathoth, Cliffourd the Big Red God, and Antarctic Express.

Ken’s latest roleplaying game, The Fall of Delta Green, is now available in print or PDF or both from Pelgrane Press. Journey to the head-spinning chaos of the late 1960s, back when everyone’s favorite anti-Cthulhu special ops agency hadn’t gone rogue yet, for this pulse-pounding GUMSHOE game of war, covert action, and Mythos horror.

Grab the translated riches of FENIX magazine in a special bundle deal from our friends at Askfageln, over at Indie Press Revolution. Score metric oodles of Ken Hite gaming goodness, a cornucopia of articles, complete games, plus the cartoon antics of Bernard the Barbarian. Warning: in English, not in Swedish. In English, not Swedish.

Just in time to save the world, though perhaps not your team of hardened covert agents, from the Mythos, the Delta Green Handlers Guide from Arc Dream Publishing is now in print and either at or headed to a game store near you. The slipcase print edition includes both the Handlers’ Guide and Agents’ Handbook, fitting snugly into your go bag along with your extra passports and list of weapons caches.

4 Responses to “Episode 328: That Doesn’t Sound Like Y’golonac”

  1. For anybody who is looking for links to my apps…

    The Black Book (Official GUMSHOE character tool):
    Story Beats (Create Beat Maps as described in Beating the Story and Hamlet’s Hit Points):
    Sylvan Master (Feng Shui 2 GM tool):

  2. J. Tea says:

    Can anyone tell me how can you buy ‘All along the Watchtower’, it sounds amazing, I’ve searched on the Pelgrane site with no luck ?



  3. Derek Upham says:

    Reskin Project Sandman agents from “GURPS: The Madness Dossier”. They’re asked to investigate and suppress a memetic outbreak, propagated by Texathoth recordings. Then they find that the whole conflict is engineered by Azathoth infectees to clear the field.

    Adding Newmexathoth to the mix probably is probably one step too far.

  4. Bill White says:

    If you’re interested in a playtest version of “All Along the Watchtower,” send e-mail to the author at billwhite at ganakagok dot com, with the proviso that I’d really like to get your playtest comments if you run it.

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