Abraham Lincoln

Archive for September, 2014

Episode 108: Too Many Cyber-Monkeys

September 26th, 2014 | Robin

Before getting to the main meat of the episode, a Preamble Hut seems necessary to update a few stories of interest to KARTAS listeners. So gather round as Ken dispatches fresh claims of a DNA solution to the Jack the Ripper mystery, and Robin covers the latest bizarre twist in the Rob Ford saga. Or is that now the Doug Ford saga?

Then nestle in with your popcorn as Robin reports back from the Toronto International Film Festival for the 2014 edition of an obligatory Cinema Hut.

Ken’s Time Machine departs from formula to contemplate an omnibus question from Fridrik Bjarnason.  Which characters in history are so serendipitous or unlikely that they must have been undercover time-travelers?

Finally, Among My Many Hats sees Robin chatting about Feng Shui 2, which is Kickstarting even as we speak.

Episode 107: Live from Gen Con 2014

September 19th, 2014 | Robin

Join us for another Ken and Robin live episode, this time from beautiful and now slightly better smelling Indianapolis, Indiana. We nerdtrope magical slave revolts, fit the Fords into the Cthulhu mythos, riff on our favorite spice, and more. Hurtle back into mid-August with us!

Lead sponsor Atlas Games alerts you to a project near and dear to Robin’s heart, not to mention a good chunk of his year so far. That would be the freshly inaugurated Kickstarter for Feng Shui 2! Head on over and help add as much awesome as possible to the new version of the action movie roleplaying game.

Episode 106: No One’s Gonna Get an Orange

September 12th, 2014 | Robin

Questions of pacing kick us into fall, as Ask Ken and Robin tackle a query from listener Michael Bowman.

In Crime Blotter we hunker down in our tarmac-damaging humvee to consider the trend of police militarization that catapulted to world attention in the wake of the Ferguson protests.

Ken and Robin Recycle Audio serves up the promised second helping of GUMSHOE scenario design master class.

Then in Ken’s Time Machine our intrepid chrononaut shortens the US Civil War.

Lead sponsor Atlas Games sharpens your desire for a project near and dear to Robin’s heart, not to mention a good chunk of his year so far. It fires off warning shots concerning the upcoming Kickstarter for Feng Shui 2! Click the link to be notified when the campaign goes live.

Episode 105: Does This Look Like a Railroad to You?

September 5th, 2014 | Robin

In Ask Ken and Robin, we field a Tuukka Heimola question about running great one-shots and convention games.

The History Hut reveals itself to be a series of rapidly constructed forts as we look at the Battle of Poltava.

Joined by co-panelist Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Ken and Robin Recycle Audio in part one of a two-part excerpting of their Gen Con GUMSHOE adventure master class.

Finally, Sarah Helen Whitman, spiritualist and jilted fiancee of Edgar Allen Poe, summons herself into a particularly gossipy installment of Consulting Occultist.

Lead sponsor Atlas Games announces a project near and dear to Robin’s heart, not to mention a good chunk of his year so far. It fires off warning shots concerning the upcoming Kickstarter for Feng Shui 2! Click the link to be notified when the campaign goes live.

Stone Skin Press has a deal for you. Until September 1st, all hardcopy purchases of Robin’s action-driven Mythos fiction anthology Shotguns v. Cthulhu come not only with the expected free electronic edition of that book, but also an ebook of Schemers, Robin’s anthology of betrayal and conspiracy. Just buy it at the Pelgrane Press store, as you normally would, no special links or offer codes required.

Film Cannister
Cartoon Rocket
Flying Clock
Film Cannister